Purgatory Blender Theme
My personal Blender theme. For people who appreciate gray themes, zen, calmness, readability, and like the balance between too dark themes and too bright ones and prefer easiness on their eyes when working both in dark and bright environments. An updated version of my Purgatory theme. Enjoy.
Compatible with every version of Blender from 2.8+ and up.
Updated to be compatible with 2.93 version, little tweaks here and there.
Purgatory theme now comes in two versions
Purgatory Light
Purgatory Dark (Almost identical to dark Blender version theme with minor tweaks here and there)
I just switch between the two from time to time to ease eye-strain during night time.
Installation :
Either apply the theme in preferences or drop it into your scripts/presets/interface_theme folder and then pick it in preferences.
Preferred interface font to use this theme:
Interface Font: DejaVu-SansMono
Mono-space Font: FiraCode-SemiBold
Blender theme XML file